Send a Message to a Resident

Email or Skype a Resident
With the help of staff, residents are able to make Skype calls or send their own e-mail messages!

Family and friends can send e-mail greetings and messages to a resident living at Columbus Residence.

Our Spiritual Care team facilitates this service and they will retrieve, print and deliver any e-mail messages sent to a resident. They will also assist any resident who wishes to send an e-mail message to family or friends.

If you prefer to send your message by e-mail, send to and put the resident’s full name in the Subject line.

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    Skype with a Resident

    It is possible for out of town family and friends to place a Skype call to a resident. Some advance planning is needed to arrange for these calls to take place, but our Spiritual Care Associates will help to facilitate these calls. If you are interested in placing a Skype call to a resident, please contact Marisa Ku (604-321-4405  Ext 132) in our Spiritual Care Department.