Spiritual Care: Our Faith is Our Foundation

Spiritual Care
Our Spiritual Care team offers prayer and support to all our residents

We believe that spirituality can be a source of strength to all people. We respect the various spiritual practices and traditions of others, while following the Catholic Christian tradition.

We were taught to love ourselves and others, comfort and heal those in need, treat human life with dignity, and act with respect and compassion toward all.

Providing Hope, Meaning and Motivation

Creche scene
Creche scene illuminated at our annual “Light Up for Christ” celebration

We believe that spirituality can be a source of strength for residents, and can add hope, meaning and motivation to their lives, especially in the ongoing transitions experienced in the aging process. Our Spiritual Care Program is a core service at Columbus Residence, and is funded through fundraising, donations and the support of a grant from the Community Gaming Grants Branch of the Province of B.C.. Our Spiritual Care Program and Chapel are available to all our residents and tenants to support them in their various religious, spiritual or philosophical beliefs and practices. In addition to denominational and interdenominational services, Spiritual Care also provides one to one support to residents when they find it difficult to express themselves; and assistance in maintaining the ways that bring peace and joy to their lives.

Bereavement and Palliative Care

Seung Hee Courtyard
Our Spiritual Care program provides support to all members of our community

Bereavement services are provided to family, friends, staff and residents in the community. Staff are trained in palliative care and a team of palliative volunteers are available weekly to enhance this program. By providing palliative care, Columbus Residence provides the opportunity for residents to die at home.


Worship Services

Marisa & Jim
Remembrance Day Services

Visiting clergy come to Columbus Residence to bring various worship services on a weekly and monthly basis. Catholic residents can receive daily Holy Communion, Anointing of the Sick, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Other denominational services include an Anglican Communion and Open Brethren service. Also, a hymn sing is held weekly and interdenominational services are held on Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Canada Day and the World Day of the Sick.

Our Chapel

Our chapel is the heart and haven of Columbus Residence. We are blessed and privileged to have a chapel open 24 hours a day, where residents, families, staff, volunteers, and outside guests of all faiths come and sit in His loving presence.

Spiritual Care Volunteers

Spiritual Care Volunteers
Spiritual Care Volunteers

We are fortunate to have dedicated volunteers to assist with our Spiritual Care programs. These volunteers assist at our various services as well as spend time visiting with our residents.

If you are interested in becoming a Spiritual Care volunteer, please contact:

Marisa Ku
Director of Spiritual Care
604.321.4405 ext. 132