Columbus Residence, Vancouver BC DONATE TODAY Columbus Residence Columbus Residence COMPASSION


Paloma & Usha
Paloma Leon, Recreation Coordinator & Jean

Columbus Residence Vancouver BC

A Loving & Homelike Environment

We are a non-profit society offering long-term care services and dementia care for 76 residents. We also provide 23 one bedroom apartments for independently living tenants.

We are located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

At Columbus Residence we are committed to providing the highest standard of care in a warm, loving and homelike environment. We support and encourage each resident’s unique personhood and our care services are holistic and wellness oriented as we address the physical, spiritual, emotional, social and educational needs of our residents.

We strive to create a sense of community and our dedicated team of staff are here to ensure our residents are kept safe and comfortable.

Columbus Residence is a non-profit organization founded by the Knights of Columbus, Vancouver Council 1081. Our faith based residence is shaped by our beliefs and values, by the residents and tenants living here, and by our committed staff, board of directors and volunteers.

Flu Season UPDATE: Visiting Columbus Residence 

With the transmission of respiratory illnesses such as influenza, RSV and cold viruses beginning to increase, the Ministry of Health has provided new, temporary infection control guidance for health care facilities during Viral Respiratory Illness (VRI) season.

Here are key updates for visitors at Columbus Residence effective Monday January 13:

  • Staff and all visitors (family, contractors, volunteers) are required to wear a mask while in the building. Residents are not required to wear a mask.Mask wearing is for the entire time visitors are in the building.

Exception: visits in a resident’s room – family members or friends may remove mask while in resident room visiting with their loved ones.

  • Visitors cannot eat with or share food with residents outside the resident’s room or resident kitchen.

Reminders for all for a holistic approach to infection prevention:

  • Practice appropriate hand hygiene
  • Stay up to date with vaccinations
  • Avoid visits when experiencing fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough and other symptoms

These measures will remain in effect until VRI season is officially declared over in the spring (March/April), based on ongoing reviews of BC’s VRI epidemiology and health system trends.

Thank you for your diligence and compliance with these measures in trying to keep our residents at Columbus Residence healthy and safe during the VRI season.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to either Jaime Ascher, Executive Director at or Ricky Chau, Director of Care at



No Parking in Front Courtyard

A reminder to all visitors that the driveway and ramp area at the entrance to Columbus Residence is a NO PARKING ZONEThis area must be kept clear for access by emergency vehicles (Fire/Ambulance) at all times.

Please ensure that your loved one is at the entrance before driving in to pick them up and ensure you are always in sight of your vehicle when escorting your loved one to and from the building.  We thank you for your consideration.


A Generous Donation

A very big thank you to IODE (Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire) BC Mary Emerson Trust Fund for the generous donation that allowed us to purchase 15 new, much needed mattresses.

IODE members Elizabeth Wosely and Nancy Hundal

It is heartwarming having a resident family member, Nancy Hundal approach us, on behalf of IODE Jessie F. Gordon Chapter, about this fundraising opportunity and wonderful to have Elizabeth and Nancy visit us the day the mattresses were distributed to the resident rooms.

“How do we change the world? One random act of kindness at a time.”
— Morgan Freeman

Did you know that the Government of Canada declared the third week of February to be “Kindness Week in Canada”?  Kindness Week this year is February 9-15.

Our Location

Our residence is located in South Vancouver in the Marpole district. We are conveniently close to major transit routes including a Canada Line skytrain station just two blocks east at Cambie Street and SW Marine Drive. Bridge access to Richmond and Vancouver International Airport is just a few blocks away.  » View Location Map

Support Columbus Residence

Donors play a tremendous role in helping us fulfill our Mission by sponsoring our varied programs and services and by providing funds to enhance the physical comfort and peacefulness of our home.

Letters of Appreciation

Chinese New Year Celebration

We will celebrate the Lunar New Year on Tuesday February 4th  at 2:00 p.m.  Entertainment by the Bright Sunset Chinese…

St. Valentine’s Tea

Residents will enjoy a special St. Valentine’s Tea on Thursday February 13th  at 2:45 p.m.  Join us for the birthday…

Sweetheart Tea (4th Floor)

Residents will enjoy sweet treats, music & fun at our Sweetheart Tea on the 4th floor, Thursday February 20th at 2:30…

Birthday Party

We celebrate our February Birthdays on Thursday February 27th  at 2:45 p.m.  Join us for the birthday fun, treats and…